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Insurance Blog

Understanding The Main Life Insurance Classifications

Understanding The Main Life Insurance Classifications

Life insurance companies use a system of classification to determine an individual’s state of health, based on a series of factors pertaining to that person. Your classification can affect how much life insurance coverage you can get at each price point. Healthy people get more favorable classifications and lower rates. If you have health issues, that will be reflected in your life insurance premiums. The...

Healthier Comfort Food Alternatives

Healthier Comfort Food Alternatives

It is no secret that many people turn to comfort food in times of stress, loneliness, or rejection (such as Ben & Jerry’s directly from the carton after a breakup). Comfort foods can be described as foods that provide consolation or a feeling of well-being. They give us emotional comfort heightened by our senses of taste, touch, and smell. They are more likely to be...

Is Graded Death Benefit Life Insurance Worth The Cost?

Is Graded Death Benefit Life Insurance Worth The Cost?

Graded death benefit insurance has important advantages for certain people. It may be worth the cost if you want the protection of permanent life insurance coverage, but may not qualify for another permanent life insurance plan because of health issues. What Is Graded Death Benefit Insurance? Graded death benefit insurance is permanent, as opposed to term life insurance. What makes it different from standard permanent...

Should I Offer My Employees Health Insurance Or 401(k) First?

Should I Offer My Employees Health Insurance Or 401(k) First?

It is an employees’ market today, which makes it a challenge to find the best talent. Once you get them on board, the next challenge is retention. Offering a great employee benefits package is one of the best ways to keep your best employees. Although there is some cost to the company, providing a range of employee benefits helps keep your business stable. If you...

Keep Your Kids Healthy At School

Keep Your Kids Healthy At School

Winter is upon us, and one thing you can count on is your kids will be exposed to a variety of illnesses at school, both viral and bacterial. It can be particularly frustrating when a child picks up a bug at school and shares it with the rest of the family. What can you do to keep your children healthy at school during the winter...

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